Very rarely do I ever have a client in who is completely and totally comfortable with their body; in fact, I’m usually pretty surprised when I’m told someone is. I especially get a hell of a lot of questions from women who are plus-sized, inquiring about how a session will work.
As a major FYI, plus-sized boudoir sessions work EXACTLY the same as any other boudoir session I shoot; it doesn’t matter someone’s weight, body shape, size, or otherwise. You’re perfect just the way you are – and I make sure you look and feel sexy no matter your size. Be proud of your curves!
And if you need help picking out flattering lingerie options, I can help with that! Not only do I offer an extremely extensive client closet (girlllll, I’ve got a horrible lingerie addiction), but I also have the 411 on any and all places to buy the cutest lingerie for your sesh.